Sunday, October 6, 2013

Irish Lamb Stew アイリッシュラムシチュー

Irish Lamb Stew with Stir Fried Kale by naotakem
Nice hearty stew cooked slowly in the oven and rested overnight to let the flavors come together. Cooked the potatoes separately and added them before eating to keep them from melting.


  • Lamb stew meat - cut into cubes, put into a plastic bag with flour, salt, and pepper, shaken to coat
  • Bacon: a few strips, cut into small pieces
  • Onions - roughly diced
  • Carrots - peeled and cut into bite sized pieces
  • Garlic - finely chopped
  • Bouquet garni - parsley, thyme, rosemary, sage, oregano and bay leaf tied together with twine
  • Beef stock - store bought, unsalted and low fat
  • Irish stout - used Murphy's (Guiness is probably better)
  • Butter, olive oil
  • Powdered paprika, salt, and black pepper
  • Potatoes - cut into large cubes
  • ラムのシチュー用肉:一口大に切ったものに塩コショウで下味を付け、小麦粉をまんべんなくまぶしておく(ビニール袋に入れて振ると楽)
  • ベーコン:少量を細かく切っておく
  • タマネギ:粗みじん切り
  • ニンジン:皮を剥いて一口大に切っておく
  • ニンニク:みじん切り
  • ブーケガルニ:パセリ、タイム、ローズマリー、セージ、オレガノとローリエの葉をタコ糸で縛ったもの
  • ビーフストック:市販のもの、塩分と脂を抑えたもの
  • アイリッシュスタウト:マーフィーズを使いました(ギネスの方が良かったかも)
  • バターとオリーブ油
  • 粉末パプリカ、塩、黒コショウ
  • ジャガイモ:角切り
Heat a heavy oven proof pot (e.g., a cast iron Dutch oven), melt some butter, and brown the lamb all over. Remove the lamb when done and set aside. Add the bacon to the same pot, render out the fat, then remove for later use. Add the onions to the pot, cook until slightly caramelized - scrape as much the browned bits of lamb, flour, and butter (these make the dish tasty) off the bottom of the pan while doing so. Add olive oil if necessary. Then add the carrots and garlic, mix and cook with the onions for a few minutes. Pour the beef stock and Irish stout into the pot, stir well, then add the bouquet garni.  Return the lamb and bacon into the pot, season with paprika, salt, and pepper, cover and place in a 300F oven, cook for 1-2 hours until the meat and carrots are very tender. Remove from heat, and let it rest overnight (put into the refrigerator once the pot cooled down).


While reheating the stew next day, cooked the cubed potatoes in a skillet with some butter, salt and pepper until slightly golden brown on the outside. Added them to the stew and heated through before serving with a side of stir-fried kale as in the photo below.
