Monday, December 10, 2012

Rockfish Fishing & Cooking ロックフィッシュ釣りと料理


Some friends and I have started going to Capitola, a small coastal resort town south of Santa Cruz for fishing a few years ago and have made the fishing and the subsequent cooking and eating a recurring event. Fishing is fairly easy - the Capitola wharf a shop that rents has 4-passenger outboard motor boats, and we only need to travel a mile or two out to catch some tasty fish - and it's the freshest fish you can ever ask for. Rockfish (sebastes) is our primary target, but you can also catch sardines and mackerel (pictured above), which adds variety to both the fishing and eating. We cooked the mackerel above on a grill with salt inside and out - simple, but a hit even with friends who don't eat a lot of fish.


We caught some vermillion rockfish (Sebastes miniatus) this time around. Not regularly caught close to shore, but this kind has a reputation for being tasty - and it exceeded that reputation. We had this as a sashimi.


We also encountered a school of black rockfish (Sebastes melanops) - a regular catch, but very tasty regardless of the cooking method - sashimi, grilled, stewed, or fried. Made these into sashimi and kobujime, which is sashimi marinated over a sheet of kelp seaweed (kombu).

これはカッパーロックフィッシュ(Sebastes caurinus)と(たぶん)チャイナロックフィッシュ(China Rockfish, Sebastes nebulosus)。これらには独特の植物性の香りがあるので刺身というよりは煮魚や揚げるのに向いています。これは下の写真のように醤油と酒、砂糖そして生姜で煮付けとなりました。

A few Copper Rockfish and (presumed) China Rockfish. Has a somewhat grassy smell to the flesh so better suited for stewing and frying. We made these into a Japanese style stew flavored with soy sauce, sake (rice wine), sugar, and ginger, as shown below.

これは予想していなかった釣果でしたが、カベゾン(CabezonScorpaenichthys marmoratus)が釣れました。カベゾンはスペイン語で「大きな頭」という意味で、文字通り大きな頭と口を持っています。アイナメやカサゴの仲間、ということになるのでしょうが、身ははじめは青緑でびっくりするのですが、火を通すと白くぷりぷりとした食感となり、焼いたり揚げたりすると美味。これはフィッシュアンドチップスとなりました。

This was an unexpected bycatch, but we caught this Cabezon (meaning "big head" in Spanish - indeed has a large head and mouth) related to sculpins and lingcod. The raw flesh has a shocking blue/green color but turns white when cooked and is also a tasty fish - best grilled, pan-fried, or deep fried. This became a really tasty fish and chips.


We had the largest catch ever this time. Unfortunately we got too occupied cooking so failed to take photos for all the dishes, but we made a variety of dishes - sashimi, sashimi marinated on seaweed (kobujime), stewed fish, and of course (!) fish and chips. Picture above is the sashimi made with black rockfish and vermillion rockfish.


Japanese style stewed fish made with the Copper and China rockfish. Stewed with a mix of with soy sauce, Japanese sake (rice wine), sugar, and ginger, then served with thinly-sliced scallions. In addition to tasting great, the fish imparts great flavor to the cooking liquid - some of of our guests enjoyed that by pouring spoonfuls of it on white rice.

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