Monday, September 23, 2013

Pan Fried Pacific Snapper with a Lemon-Caper Butter Sauce, Sautéed Kale, and Rosemary-Garlic Roasted Potatoes 白身魚のムニエル・レモンバターケッパーソース、ケール、ローストポテト

Pan fried pacific snapper with a lemon-caper butter sauce, kale, and rosemary-garlic roasted potatoes 白身魚のムニエル・レモンバターケッパーソース、ケール、ローストポテト by naotakem

I can go all crazy when I get hold of (or catch myself) good, fresh fish, but fish from an "ordinary" supermarket - in this case, "Pacific Red Snapper" (i.e., rockfish) filets from a big chain store - can be still turned into a simple and tasty meal like this one, provided it looks fresh and doesn't smell too fishy.


The snapper filets are seasoned with salt and pepper, then dredged in all-purpose flour to get a light coat. While pan-frying the filets in some canola oil, make some sauce in a separate pan with melted butter, lemon juice, and capers - nothing elaborate, just slightly reduce the butter and lemon juice and add the capers to heat a little. Place the cooked fish filet on a warm plate, pour a bit of the warm sauce over it, and sprinkle some chopped parsley to finish. Served here with some sautéed kale and redskin potatoes roasted with garlic and rosemary - and a wedge of lemon.

魚は塩コショウで味付けしてから小麦粉でうっすらと衣を付け、 キャノーラ油をひいたフライパンでこんがりと焼きます。別の鍋に溶かしバターとレモン果汁を温め、ほんの少し煮詰めたらケッパーを加えてソースを作ります。魚が焼き上がったら温かい皿に載せ、ソースを軽くかけて刻みパセリを散らして出来上がり。ここではケールの炒め物とニンニクとローズマリーと共にオーブンでローストしたレッドスキンポテトそしてレモンを一切れ添えています。

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