Homemade buttermilk Southern style fried chicken, a photo by naotakem on Flickr.
Ever since watching the movie The Help, had a craving for homemade fried chicken - the kind that's cooked in a cast iron skillet. Took a while to act upon that urge but finally made this crispy-and-spicy-on-the-outside-but-juicy-and-flavorful-on-the-inside (that's a lot of hyphens) fried chicken. The key to making such a fried chicken (aside from Crisco, which I didn't use for a variety of reasons): marinating in buttermilk and seasoning the flour with as many kinds of spices (the ones that you believe will go well with chicken, anyway) that you have on hand. Used chicken thighs for flavor as well.
Marinating (or brining) the Chicken
- Cut up chicken thighs into manageable pieces (too large and it gets hard to coat and fry, too small and the chicken won't be as juicy when fried)
- Place chicken into a non-corrosive (ceramic) bowl, season with powdered spices such as smoked paprika, cumin, allspice, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, salt and black pepper.
- Add thinly sliced onions, and chopped herbs (parsley, thyme, and oregano) to bowl and pour in enough buttermilk to cover the chicken. Added a dash of hot sauce for an added kick.
- Marinate at least 2 hours in refrigerator (most recipes say overnight, but 2 did just fine), turning the chickens every now and then.
- 鶏もも肉は作業しやすい大きさに切っておく(大きすぎると衣つけ・揚げが難しく、小さすぎると出来上がりのジューシーさに乏しくなる)
- 鶏肉を陶器製等酸に反応しない材質のボウルに入れ、粉末スパイス(今回はスモークパプリカ、クミン、オールスパイス、カイエンペッパー、ガーリックパウダー、塩、黒コショウ)を振りかけておく
- 薄切りのタマネギ、刻んだハーブ(パセリ、タイム、オレガノ)をボウルに加え、鶏肉がかぶるまでバターミルクを加えたところに辛味をひと味加えるべくタバスコソースを少量足す
- 冷蔵庫で2時間ほど、時々鶏肉をひっくり返しつつ漬け込む(巷に出回っているレシピでは「一晩」と書いてあるものが多いですが、2時間でも十分でした)
Coating and frying the chicken
- Take the chicken out of the refrigerator 1 hour before cooking to bring to room temperature
- In a shallow bowl, add the same mix of powdered spices listed above (be careful not to over-spice) to a good amount of all-purpose flour, mix well
- Piece by piece, take the chicken out of the marinade, shake off excess fluid and dredge in the seasoned four to coat thoroughly, shake off excess, place on a wire rack and let sit for a few minutes (this supposedly results in a crispier chicken)
- Pour vegetable oil (used a corn-canola mix) into a deep cast iron skillet, about halfway to the top, heat to 350-360F
- Place the chicken gently into the hot oil and fry for 10-15 minutes or until the inside of the chicken reaches 180F, turning occasionally and keeping the oil at 350-360F
- Place the fried chicken on the wire rack and let it rest for 10 minutes or so to drain any excess oil and cool the chicken enough so you can eat with your hands
- 鶏肉は揚げる1時間ほど前に冷蔵庫から出し、室温に戻しておく
- 浅めのボウルに小麦粉(薄力粉)をたっぷり入れ、上で使ったのと同じ粉末スパイスを適量(味の付け過ぎに注意)加えて良く混ぜ合わせる
- 鶏肉を一つずつ漬け汁から上げ、水分を良く落とし、味を付けた粉にくぐらせ、余分な粉を落としてから金網の上などで数分衣を休ませる(こうすると衣のクリスピーさが増すとか)
- 十分な深さのある鋳鉄製のフライパンに植物油を半分ほどの深さまで注ぎ、175-180℃まで熱する
- 衣のついた鶏肉を丁寧に油に入れ、時々ひっくりかえして10−15分ほど(あるいは中の音頭が82℃以上になるまで)油の温度を下げないように火加減を調整しながら揚げる
- 揚がったフライドチキンはバットの上に載せた金網の上などで油を切る+手で食べられる温度まで下げるため10分ほど寝かせる
Enjoy the fried chicken with some potatoes, steamed vegetables, bread, beer, wine (goes well with a Sauvignon Blanc) - or all of the above.
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