A couple of dishes using leafy greens to accompany a Japanese-style meal. First one is komatsuna greens blanched quickly and then mixed with shio kouji, a fermented mix of rice and salt with a lot of umami.
こちらは和洋折衷というかフュージョンというか、新ケールの胡麻和えです。春先の柔らかいケールの茎の太い部分だけを取り除いて湯がき、食べやすい大きさに刻んですりゴマ(黒白両方、煎ったもの)と酒、砂糖と醤油で作ったタレと和え、ごまを振って出来上がり。ケールとは思えぬ味に仕上がりました。This is a Japanese-Western hybrid or fusion dish of sorts - young kale in a sesame sauce. Remove the thicker parts of the stem from fresh, young, springtime kale, blanch briefly, then toss with a sauce made of ground toasted sesame seeds, sake, sugar, and soy sauce (called "goma ae"). Sprinkle some unground sesame seeds before serving. Kale cooked this way takes an almost un-kale like flavor.
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