Sunday, October 6, 2013

Irish Lamb Stew アイリッシュラムシチュー

Irish Lamb Stew with Stir Fried Kale by naotakem
Nice hearty stew cooked slowly in the oven and rested overnight to let the flavors come together. Cooked the potatoes separately and added them before eating to keep them from melting.


  • Lamb stew meat - cut into cubes, put into a plastic bag with flour, salt, and pepper, shaken to coat
  • Bacon: a few strips, cut into small pieces
  • Onions - roughly diced
  • Carrots - peeled and cut into bite sized pieces
  • Garlic - finely chopped
  • Bouquet garni - parsley, thyme, rosemary, sage, oregano and bay leaf tied together with twine
  • Beef stock - store bought, unsalted and low fat
  • Irish stout - used Murphy's (Guiness is probably better)
  • Butter, olive oil
  • Powdered paprika, salt, and black pepper
  • Potatoes - cut into large cubes
  • ラムのシチュー用肉:一口大に切ったものに塩コショウで下味を付け、小麦粉をまんべんなくまぶしておく(ビニール袋に入れて振ると楽)
  • ベーコン:少量を細かく切っておく
  • タマネギ:粗みじん切り
  • ニンジン:皮を剥いて一口大に切っておく
  • ニンニク:みじん切り
  • ブーケガルニ:パセリ、タイム、ローズマリー、セージ、オレガノとローリエの葉をタコ糸で縛ったもの
  • ビーフストック:市販のもの、塩分と脂を抑えたもの
  • アイリッシュスタウト:マーフィーズを使いました(ギネスの方が良かったかも)
  • バターとオリーブ油
  • 粉末パプリカ、塩、黒コショウ
  • ジャガイモ:角切り
Heat a heavy oven proof pot (e.g., a cast iron Dutch oven), melt some butter, and brown the lamb all over. Remove the lamb when done and set aside. Add the bacon to the same pot, render out the fat, then remove for later use. Add the onions to the pot, cook until slightly caramelized - scrape as much the browned bits of lamb, flour, and butter (these make the dish tasty) off the bottom of the pan while doing so. Add olive oil if necessary. Then add the carrots and garlic, mix and cook with the onions for a few minutes. Pour the beef stock and Irish stout into the pot, stir well, then add the bouquet garni.  Return the lamb and bacon into the pot, season with paprika, salt, and pepper, cover and place in a 300F oven, cook for 1-2 hours until the meat and carrots are very tender. Remove from heat, and let it rest overnight (put into the refrigerator once the pot cooled down).


While reheating the stew next day, cooked the cubed potatoes in a skillet with some butter, salt and pepper until slightly golden brown on the outside. Added them to the stew and heated through before serving with a side of stir-fried kale as in the photo below.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pot Roast of Pork with Cabbage 豚肉とキャベツのポットロースト

Pot Roast of Pork with Cabbage 豚肉とキャベツのポットロースト by naotakem

An easy one-pot dish to make - only downside being the marinating time for the pork - loaded with vegetables and flavor. Lifted straight off of a cookbook featuring recipes for Le Creuset French ovens.


Take a piece (500g or 1.1lbs) of pork, preferably a shoulder roast, salt all over and wrap tightly with a plastic wrap, marinate in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. Used a pretty lean cut in the picture above, thought it might be better with a little more fat - but pork belly would be too much so pick your meat wisely.


Before cooking, take the pork out of the refrigerator and let sit for an hour or so to bring to room temperature. Heat some butter (add some vegetable oil if worried about burning) in a heavy iron pot - doesn't have to be a Le Creuset - and brown the meat on all sides on mid-high heat. Add half of an onion, sliced thinly, cook until slightly caramelized. Cut up half a cabbage into 1/2-inch wide strips and add to the pot over the pork and onions. Add 1/4 cup of dry white wine and a bay leaf, cover pot, reduce heat to low and cook for 20-30 minutes, mixing the contents and turning the pork every now and then. Finish the seasoning with some freshly ground black pepper while cooking. When pork is done, take out the meat, slice it into thick pieces, and place them over the cabbage and onions in the pot. Serve family style in the pot. with Dijon mustard on the side. Probably best with a dry Riesling, but had it with a Pinot and it also worked very well.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Homemade Southern Style Fried Chicken 自家製南部風フライドチキン

Homemade buttermilk Southern style fried chicken by naotakem

Ever since watching the movie The Help, had a craving for homemade fried chicken - the kind that's cooked in a cast iron skillet. Took a while to act upon that urge but finally made this crispy-and-spicy-on-the-outside-but-juicy-and-flavorful-on-the-inside (that's a lot of hyphens) fried chicken. The key to making such a fried chicken (aside from Crisco, which I didn't use for a variety of reasons): marinating in buttermilk and seasoning the flour with as many kinds of spices (the ones that you believe will go well with chicken, anyway) that you have on hand. Used chicken thighs for flavor as well.


Marinating (or brining) the Chicken
  • Cut up chicken thighs into manageable pieces (too large and it gets hard to coat and fry, too small and the chicken won't be as juicy when fried)
  • Place chicken into a non-corrosive (ceramic) bowl, season with powdered spices such as smoked paprika, cumin, allspice, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, salt and black pepper.
  • Add thinly sliced onions, and chopped herbs (parsley, thyme, and oregano) to bowl and pour in enough buttermilk to cover the chicken. Added a dash of hot sauce for an added kick.
  • Marinate at least 2 hours in refrigerator (most recipes say overnight, but 2 did just fine), turning the chickens every now and then.

  • 鶏もも肉は作業しやすい大きさに切っておく(大きすぎると衣つけ・揚げが難しく、小さすぎると出来上がりのジューシーさに乏しくなる)
  • 鶏肉を陶器製等酸に反応しない材質のボウルに入れ、粉末スパイス(今回はスモークパプリカ、クミン、オールスパイス、カイエンペッパー、ガーリックパウダー、塩、黒コショウ)を振りかけておく
  • 薄切りのタマネギ、刻んだハーブ(パセリ、タイム、オレガノ)をボウルに加え、鶏肉がかぶるまでバターミルクを加えたところに辛味をひと味加えるべくタバスコソースを少量足す
  • 冷蔵庫で2時間ほど、時々鶏肉をひっくり返しつつ漬け込む(巷に出回っているレシピでは「一晩」と書いてあるものが多いですが、2時間でも十分でした)

Coating and frying the chicken

  • Take the chicken out of the refrigerator 1 hour before cooking to bring to room temperature
  • In a shallow bowl, add the same mix of powdered spices listed above (be careful not to over-spice) to a good amount of all-purpose flour, mix well
  • Piece by piece, take the chicken out of the marinade, shake off excess fluid and dredge in the seasoned four to coat thoroughly, shake off excess, place on a wire rack and let sit for a few minutes (this supposedly results in a crispier chicken)
  • Pour vegetable oil (used a corn-canola mix) into a deep cast iron skillet, about halfway to the top, heat to 350-360F
  • Place the chicken gently into the hot oil and fry for 10-15 minutes or until the inside of the chicken reaches 180F, turning occasionally and keeping the oil at 350-360F
  • Place the fried chicken on the wire rack and let it rest for 10 minutes or so to drain any excess oil and cool the chicken enough so you can eat with your hands
  • 鶏肉は揚げる1時間ほど前に冷蔵庫から出し、室温に戻しておく
  • 浅めのボウルに小麦粉(薄力粉)をたっぷり入れ、上で使ったのと同じ粉末スパイスを適量(味の付け過ぎに注意)加えて良く混ぜ合わせる
  • 鶏肉を一つずつ漬け汁から上げ、水分を良く落とし、味を付けた粉にくぐらせ、余分な粉を落としてから金網の上などで数分衣を休ませる(こうすると衣のクリスピーさが増すとか)
  • 十分な深さのある鋳鉄製のフライパンに植物油を半分ほどの深さまで注ぎ、175-180℃まで熱する
  • 衣のついた鶏肉を丁寧に油に入れ、時々ひっくりかえして10−15分ほど(あるいは中の音頭が82℃以上になるまで)油の温度を下げないように火加減を調整しながら揚げる
  • 揚がったフライドチキンはバットの上に載せた金網の上などで油を切る+手で食べられる温度まで下げるため10分ほど寝かせる

Enjoy the fried chicken with some potatoes, steamed vegetables, bread, beer, wine (goes well with a Sauvignon Blanc) - or all of the above.


もやしラーメン Ramen Noodles and Soup with Stir Fried Pork and BeanSprouts

もやしラーメン Ramen Noodles and Soup with Stir Fried Pork and Bean Sprouts by naotakem

Wasn't sure if I should include this here as it doesn't require a lot of cooking and relies on store-bought ramen noodles and soy sauce flavored soup (the refrigerated uncooked kind, not the fried and dry variety) to a great extent, but this photo on Flickr was getting a lot of views so I figured it merited a writeup.


Cut pork slices (doesn't have to be any premium meat as long as it's thin and has some fat - I used the 'economy' cut from a Japanese supermarket) into narrow strips, place in a bowl, season and marinate with small amounts of soy sauce, sake, salt and pepper, set aside. In a pan, sauté some chopped garlic in vegetable oil and when it becomes aromatic, add the pork and cook through. Add some chopped green onions, a teaspoon or so of Chinese hot bean paste, mix some, then add washed and well-drained bean sprouts, and continue to stir fry. When the sprouts are crisp-tender, add a small amount of potato starch dissolved in water to the pan and toss well until there is some thickness to the pork-vegetable mix. Simultaneously, prepare the ramen noodles and soup following its instructions and place in a bowl. Serve the pork-sprout mix over the noodles and eat quickly.


Pan Fried Pacific Snapper with a Lemon-Caper Butter Sauce, Sautéed Kale, and Rosemary-Garlic Roasted Potatoes 白身魚のムニエル・レモンバターケッパーソース、ケール、ローストポテト

Pan fried pacific snapper with a lemon-caper butter sauce, kale, and rosemary-garlic roasted potatoes 白身魚のムニエル・レモンバターケッパーソース、ケール、ローストポテト by naotakem

I can go all crazy when I get hold of (or catch myself) good, fresh fish, but fish from an "ordinary" supermarket - in this case, "Pacific Red Snapper" (i.e., rockfish) filets from a big chain store - can be still turned into a simple and tasty meal like this one, provided it looks fresh and doesn't smell too fishy.


The snapper filets are seasoned with salt and pepper, then dredged in all-purpose flour to get a light coat. While pan-frying the filets in some canola oil, make some sauce in a separate pan with melted butter, lemon juice, and capers - nothing elaborate, just slightly reduce the butter and lemon juice and add the capers to heat a little. Place the cooked fish filet on a warm plate, pour a bit of the warm sauce over it, and sprinkle some chopped parsley to finish. Served here with some sautéed kale and redskin potatoes roasted with garlic and rosemary - and a wedge of lemon.

魚は塩コショウで味付けしてから小麦粉でうっすらと衣を付け、 キャノーラ油をひいたフライパンでこんがりと焼きます。別の鍋に溶かしバターとレモン果汁を温め、ほんの少し煮詰めたらケッパーを加えてソースを作ります。魚が焼き上がったら温かい皿に載せ、ソースを軽くかけて刻みパセリを散らして出来上がり。ここではケールの炒め物とニンニクとローズマリーと共にオーブンでローストしたレッドスキンポテトそしてレモンを一切れ添えています。

Salad of Grilled Zucchini, Roasted Red Bell Pepper, Red Onion, and Corn 焼きピーマン、ズッキーニ、赤玉ねぎとコーンのサラダ

Salad of grilled zucchini, roasted red pepper, red onion, and corn 焼きピーマン、ズッキーニ、赤玉ねぎとコーンのサラダ by naotakem

Salads are not exclusively made with raw vegetables - mixing a variety of roasted and grilled vegetables can produce a really nice dish with a mix of different textures and rich flavors that can make you forget that you're "eating your veggies (for your health)."


Ingredients and preparation are as follows - this is 90+% of the cooking:
  • Red bell pepper - roasted in an oven until blackened, removed the blackened skin, stem and seeds, cut into strips
  • Zucchini - grilled until tender (with nice grill marks), cut into bite sized pieces
  • Red onion - finely chopped, briefly soaked in cold water to taper the flavor a bit
  • Corn - would've been nice to grill some, but got lazy and used a can of sweet corn drained well
  • Herbs, etc. - cilantro, parsley, basil, a small jalapeño and a serrono chile, all finely chopped
  • Extra virgin olive oil, freshly squeezed lime juice, salt and pepper


  • 赤ピーマン:オーブンで全体が黒焦げになるまで焼き、焦げた皮とへた、種を除いたら細長く切る
  • ズッキーニ:グリルで焼き目が付き、柔らかくなるまで焼き、一口大に切る
  • 赤タマネギ:みじん切りにして辛味を少し抑えるため短時間冷水にさらす
  • コーン:生のを焼けばさらに美味しかったのでしょうけど、今回は手抜きで缶入りのスイートコーン(水気は良く切っておく)を使用
  • ハーブ類:シラントロ、パセリ、バジル、ハラペーニョとセロノチリの青唐辛子を一本づつ、全てみじん切り
  • 調味料:エキストラバージンオリーブオイル、ライム果汁、塩コショウ

Making the salad merely consists of mixing the vegetables and herbs in a large bowl, then tossing with olive oil and lime juice until thoroughly coated. Season to taste with salt and pepper, and you're done.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lomo Saltado ロモ・サルタード

Lomo saltado, essentially a beef and vegetable stir fry served over rice, is a dish that I ate on multiple occasions - for both lunch and dinner - during my travels in Peru and Bolivia some 18 years ago. Traditional recipe calls for French fries on the side but skipped that for both dietary and efficiency reasons.


Slice some lean steak, bell peppers (used green, red, and yellow for color), red onions, and tomatoes into thin strips. Mince some garlic. Heat vegetable oil in a well-heated skillet and brown the steak strips (seasoned with salt and pepper), add the onions and garlic (and a pinch of red pepper flakes), stir-fry until the onions are soft. The bell peppers and tomatoes are added at the end, and cooked until they are soft but retain some crunch. Season with additional salt and pepper, paprika, cumin powder, soy sauce, vinegar, and rice wine.

I guess the key is to flavor it so that it reminds one of Chinese food but doesn't taste like one. Serve over brown rice.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Spaghetti with Spicy Ragù and Roasted Eggplant +1 焼き茄子入りスパイシーラグーのスパゲティ(+1)

Bought a huge eggplant (as large as a small pineapple) on a whim - had to think for a while about what to do with it, but came up with this vegetable-heavy yet hearty pasta sauce.


Cut up the eggplant into bite sized chunks, sprinkled some salt and pepper on them, then roasted them in an oven on an ovenproof pan coated with a thin layer of olive oil for 10-15 minutes. This extra step allowed me to avoid the eggplant from getting too soggy with oil (which would've happened if I cooked it with the other vegetables in the sauce).


Meanwhile, in a deep pot, started making the ragù by sautéing some mirepoix (mix of chopped onions, celery, and carrots) in olive oil over medium heat adding some finely chopped garlic halfway. Once the vegetables were nicely browned and soft, added some italian spicy sausages removed from the casing, and continued sautéing until everything was nicely mixed and the sausages were browned. Added a dash of red wine to the mix, mix and cook until evaporated, then added a large can of crushed tomatoes and lowered the heat to simmer for 30 minutes or so.


To finish, add the eggplant to the ragù, mix and season to taste, then serve over spaghetti cooked to al dente with a sprinkling of chopped parsley and grated Parmigiano-Reggiano.

Baked Rigatoni with 4 cheeses and an eggplant-tomato ragu ナスのミートソースとチーズの焼きリガトーニ
Now for the "plus one" - Had a lot of leftover sauce so made this casserole a few days later. Mixed the sauce with cooked rigatoni (any macaroni-type pasta would do), and some asparagus cut into small pieces, placed in a casserole lined with butter, added a mix of cheeses (used Cheddar, Gruyère, Swiss,  and Gorgonzola), then sprinkled with a mix of breadcrumbs, chopped parsley, and grated Parmigiano-Reggiano. Baked in an oven until golden brown. You guessed correctly - another dish making use of leftovers!


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Rigatoni with asparagus in a Gorgonzola sauce リガトーニとアスパラガスのゴルゴンゾーラソース

Rigatoni with asparagus in a Gorgonzola sauce リガトーニとアスパラガスのゴルゴンゾーラソース by naotakem

One "guilty pleasure" that you occasionally crave so much that you just know you have to make it.


Blanched the asparagus (cut into bite sized length) in lightly salted water, then sauté them in a pan with some olive oil. Add some milk and crumbled Gorgonzola cheese, stir until cheese is melted and smooth. Add the rigatoni (or penne) cooked a minute or two short of al dente with a splash of pasta cooking water, toss well, then mix in some chopped parsley and freshly ground black pepper to serve. Hard to fight the temptation to make a large batch and have seconds of this...


Pajeon (Korean pancake with garlic chives and scallions) ニラ・ネギ入りパジョン(チヂミ)

Pajeon パジョン by naotakem
Pajeon パジョン, a photo by naotakem on Flickr.
Another way of utilizing leftover vegetables for a quick meal.


Made a batter using a flavored flour mix for Japanese okonomiyaki (savory pancakes), water, and eggs, then mixed with a generous amount of garlic chives chopped into 1-inch strips and scallions chopped into small slivers. Cooked the mix in a cast iron skillet with some canola oil to achieve a crisp surface with a fluffy inside. Served with a dipping sauce made with minced garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, and hot chile sauce.


Monday, August 12, 2013

Roast pork with rice and bok choy 叉焼飯(風)


The initial idea was to buy some roasted pork belly at a Chinese supermarket or a shop in Chinatown and just have it with some rice for an easy dinner - but by the time we got to the stores they were either sold out or closed. So instead, we bought a pound of pork belly and roasted the pork at home on the next day. (We ended up eating some noodles that day)


To prep the pork belly, cut the skin and fat into a cross hatch and inserted thin slivers of garlic into the incisions, then rubbed in plenty of salt and black pepper all over the meat. Placed it into a 250F oven to roast it slowly at low temperatures for about an hour to an hour and a half. The idea is to slowly render the fat on the top out and baste the flesh so if you use a grilling pan there's no need to flip the meat over. For flavor, occasionally basted the meat while cooking with a mix of soy sauce, sake, and honey.  


Once you achieve a nice, glazed color on the outside and an internal temperature of 150F, the pork is done - remove from the oven, wrap it with foil and set aside to rest. Used that time to cook the rice and blanch some bok choy (in lightly salted water). Serve thickly sliced pork with the rice and bok choy like the photo the beginning for a satisfying one-plate dish.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Farafelle with kale, sausage, carrots, tomatoes, and garlic 野菜とソーセージのファルファッレ

Put this pasta together to make use of some kale, carrots, and tomato that had been sitting in the refrigerator (and a couple of Italian spicy sausages in the freezer) for a while - but it turned out to be quite tasty to our surprise.


Removed the sausages from their casing and cooked them in a skillet with olive oil with some garlic and red pepper flakes until browned throughout. Added finely chopped carrots, mixed well, then added the tomatoes (peeled and seeded) until cooked.


Meanwhile, cooked the farfelle in well-salted water until al dente, and added the chopped kale during the final minutes of cooking to soften. Drained the pasta and kale, added to the sauce, tossed well, and served with grated Parmigiano-Reggiano.


カボチャの煮物 Stewed Pumpkin


Another Japanese style vegetable dish made using the dashi stock used to make the dishes in this post.


Washed the pumpkin well, removed the stem and the seeds, then cut it up into fairly large chunks with the skin on. Placed in a bowl, sprinkled a few spoonfuls of sugar and a pinch of salt - then covered with a plastic wrap and placed in the refrigerator for a few hours, tossing once. This extracts moisture from the pumpkin and condenses the flavor within the flesh.


Took the pumpkins out of the refrigerator and put them in a pan with some depth. Added enough dashi so the pumpkins are halfway immersed, then brought to a boil with medium heat. Once boiling, reduced the heat to a simmer and added a mix of soy sauce, sake, and mirin (ratio = 2:1:1) to season, gave it a gentle stir, then cooked until the pumpkins became tender, but not quite falling apart. Removed from the heat to let it cool for about half an hour (which allows the flavors to permeate) before serving.

Monday, August 5, 2013

3 Japanese Style Vegetable Dishes Using Dashi Broth 出汁を使った野菜料理三品


Three vegetable dishes made with a big batch of dashi stock made with dried kombu kelp and katsuobushi bonito flakes. This one is a stew of aburaage (fried tofu) and komatsuna (mustard spinach) cooked in a mix of dashi, soy sauce, sake, sugar, and mirin. Trick is to use the flavoring agents besides the dashi sparingly - you don't want to make it too salty, sweet, or reeking of alcohol. Had this with natto (fermented soybeans) and miso soup with wakame seaweed and onions for a vegetarian dinner. 

This is an ohitashi - a side dish of blanched greens briefly marinated in warm, unseasoned dashi - of mizuna greens. Trick is to dunk the blanched greens in cold water to stop cooking and preserve the colors, then squeeze gently to remove excess water to achieve a good texture. Pour warm dashi over the mizuna, let stand a few minutes, then garnish with katsuobushi to serve.

Last but not the least - a miso soup of kabu turnips, using both the root and the leaves. Washed the kabu roots well, sliced thin, then cooked in dashi until soft. Stirred in the miso (the white variety, which has a milder flavor which works better with root vegetables), and added some pre-blanched and chopped turnip leaves before serving.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Spaghetti with Cabbage in a Tomato Garlic Bacon Sauce キャベツとベーコン入りトマトソースのスパゲッティ

Spaghetti with cabbage in a tomato garlic bacon sauce キャベツとベーコン入りトマトソースのスパゲッティ by naotakem


Made this simple (not sure whether I should call it "cooking") pasta to use up some unused vegetables in the refrigerator, but it turned out surprisingly tasty.


Sautéed some chopped bacon, onions, and garlic in olive oil until soft and translucent, then added a peeled and diced tomato. Season with salt and pepper, then simmer while cooking the spaghetti.


While the sauce is simmering, cooked the spaghetti in well-salted boiling water until al dente, and added roughly chopped cabbage during the last 2 minutes or so to cook through.


Drained the spaghetti and cabbage in a colander, shook off excess water and tossed it well with the sauce, then garnished with parsley to finish.  Fairly healthy, with a sauce to pasta ratio of about 2:1.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Flatbread pizza with tomato, bell pepper, eggplant, and baby arugula トマト、ピーマン、ナス、ルッコラのフラットブレッドピザ

Picked up some nice vegetables at the farmer's market after a few weeks' hiatus - in particular, the most fragrant and tasty baby arugula that I've had - and came up with this idea of making this vegetarian pizza. Didn't want to make dough, however, so used a store-bought flatbread crust.


Started by sautéing some minced garlic and finely chopped shallots in olive oil, added the eggplant and bell peppers - both cut into fairly large chunks to enjoy the texture - and stir-fried a bit, just enough to soften them. Removed from heat and set aside.


Brushed the flatbread on both sides with olive oil and spread some tomato paste seasoned with salt, pepper, and a pinch of oregano on one side. Placed some sliced tomatos on the paste, then the pepper-eggplant mix, sprinkled with a modest amount of cheese (used leftover Swiss and Parmesan), and baked in a 450F oven for 10 minutes.


Transfered the baked pizza to a plate and sprinkled a handful of uncooked baby arugula on top to finish. Pizza can be very satisfying without meat or a lot of cheese - and it can be a great way to eat vegetables.


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Grilled shrimp with citrus pesto

Made these for a 4th of July potluck party at a friend's place. Since I learned there was going to be several meat dishes I wanted to do something different but was lacking in ideas - then my professionally trained friend posted this tasty-looking shrimp recipe on her blog so I borrowed it  - with only a few modifications that my mother may call "unsolicited tweaking".


* 青梅弁で「頼まれもしない変更」

The recipe is very simple - peeled and deveined shrimp marinated in basil pesto, skewered, and grilled.


The original pesto recipe called for a full cup of basil leaves for 1 1/2 pounds of shrimp, but even after stripping my home basil plant of all the edible leaves I didn't have enough (that's growing herbs in the city) so I made up that gap with extra garlic, a few springs of parsley, and a clove of shallot. As if that deviation wasn't enough, I also added zest and juice from half a lemon for tanginess with a pinch of red pepper for a touch of heat.


Fortunately, the resulting dish was pretty well received by the group (and it was a pretty discerning group of foodies). I guess this "grilling with pesto" can also work well with scallops, lobster, and even fish with firm white flesh. Perhaps another occasion.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Vegetarian quinoa pilaf with red onions, green and yellow zucchini,cauliflower, red bell pepper, corn, sweet peas, and tomato 紅タマネギ、ズッキーニ、カリフラワー、赤ピーマン、コーン、グリンピースとトマト入りキヌアのピラフ

Vegetarian quinoa pilaf with red onions, green and yellow zucchini, cauliflower, red bell pepper, corn, sweet peas, and tomato by naotakem
Was feeling that the dinner table was a bit lacking in vegetables recently so took the usual quinoa pilaf from a side dish to a one-dish meal loaded with veggies. Had a request from a friend who saw this photo on Facebook for the recipe so this post will be more recipe-like than usual.


Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1 cup White quinoa, rinsed and drained
  • 1 3/4 cup Vegetable broth, store bought no sodium
  • 1/4 cup White wine
  • 1 medium Red onions, chopped rough
  • 3~4 cloves Garlic, chopped fine
  • 1 each Green and Yellow zucchini, cut into bite-sized wedges
  • 1 cob Corn, boiled in salted water for 3~4 minutes then removed from the husk with a knife
  • 1/3 head Cauliflower, blanched for 2~3 minutes with the corn then roughly chopped
  • 1 Red bell pepper, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 1/2 small can Sweet peas, drained
  • 1 medium Tomato, seeded and roughly chopped
  • Chopped parsley for garnish
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and black pepper

  • 白キヌア 1カップ 水洗いしてざるに空けておく
  • 野菜ブイヨン 1 3/4 カップ 無塩の市販品
  • 白ワイン 1/4カップ 辛口
  • 紅タマネギ 中1個 荒みじん切り
  • ニンニク 3〜4カケ みじん切り
  • 緑・黄色のズッキーニ 1本ずつ 食べやすい大きさに刻む
  • コーン 1本 塩水で3〜4分茹でてから実を切り取る
  • カリフラワー 1/3本 コーンと共に2〜3分茹で、食べやすい大きさに刻む
  • 赤ピーマン 1個 食べやすい大きさに刻む
  • グリンピース 1/2缶 水気を切っておく
  • トマト 中1個 種を除いて少し小さめに刻む
  • パセリのみじん切り 適量
  • オリーブオイル 適量
  • 塩コショウ 適量
How to cook
  1. Heat some olive oil in a large saucepan, add the red onions and cook until soft over medium heat
  2. Add the quinoa, mix well with the onion and coat with oil
  3. Add the broth and white wine, bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer, add a pinch of salt, cover and cook for 15 minutes or until moisture is evaporated and the quinoa is fluffy
  4. While the quinoa is cooking, heat some olive oil in a skillet, add garlic and cook until fragrant
  5. Add the zucchini, cauliflower, and red bell peppers to skillet, stir-fry until slightly tender, season with salt and pepper to taste
  6. Add the vegetable stir-fry to the finished quinoa, add the corn, peas, and tomatoes, mix well and season to taste
  7. Serve on a warm plate with a sprinkling of parsley
  1. 大きめの鍋にオリーブ油を熱し、タマネギを中火で柔らかくなるまで炒める
  2. キヌアを加え、良くタマネギと油と混ぜる
  3. 野菜ブイヨンと白ワインを加え、沸騰したら塩を一つまみ加え、蓋をしてとろ火で15分ほど、水分が吸収・蒸発するまでキヌアを「炊く」
  4. キヌアを炊いている間に、フライパンにオリーブ油を熱し、ニンニクを加えて香りが立つまで炒める
  5. ズッキーニ、カリフラワー、ピーマンを加え、軽く火が通るまで炒め、塩コショウで好みに味付けする
  6. 炊きあがったキヌアに5の野菜とグリンピース、コーンそしてトマトを加え、良く混ぜつつ塩コショウで味を整える
  7. 温めた皿に盛りつけ、パセリを振りかけて完成
Should be possible to make this with other vegetables, spices, and herbs - nice and light, goes well with dry white wine.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Homemade Lobster Rolls 自家製ロブスターロール

Homemade Lobster Rolls by naotakem

Made these Maine style lobster rolls at a friends place as part of a evening of leisurely cooking and drinking wine.
Huge Lobster (7 lbs) 

Bought a huge lobster (7+ lbs) at a seafood merchant close to San Francisco International and steamed it with lemon slices and tarragon leaves. Did not have a pot large enough to steam this beast whole so had to wrench off the arms - no wonder the price per pound was low, the merchant must've wanted to get rid of something this huge.


Even getting the edible off the shell was a bit of a struggle, but managed to get a substantial amount of meat - which I chopped roughly and tossed with black truffle oil, chopped tarragon, lemon zest, and lemon juice, then seasoned with salt and pepper.


Served a generous serving of the seasoned lobster meat on brioche hotdog rolls toasted on a skillet with some butter, added a dash of melted butter, and garnished with a wedge of lemon. Tasted a lot lighter than anticipated. Not surprisingly, disappeared from the plate almost immediately.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Quinoa "risotto" with summer squash and tomato, steamed sweet corn, and grilled chicken thigh キヌアとスクワッシュ、トマトのリゾット風、トウモロコシ、チキンのグリル

Quinoa "risotto" with summer squash and tomato, steamed sweet corn, and grilled chicken thigh by naotakem

Wanted to do something simple using early summer vegetables for dinner and arrived at this.


Cooked some quinoa "risotto" style with diced onions sauteéd in olive oil with garlic in vegetable broth, and mixed in several varieties of roasted summer squash (pattypan, yellow zuccini, etc.) and chopped basil, chive, and parsley from our home planter, and seasoned with salt and pepper. Served with steamed sweet corn, and a piece of chicken thigh simply grilled with salt and pepper.


Enjoyed this with a reasonably priced yet delicious Cabernet Sauvignon from Alexander Valley - but couldn't help but think "I wish I had some chilled rosé".

Monday, June 10, 2013

Spaghetti with seafood mix in an anchovy-white wine sauce アンチョビと白ワイン風味のシーフードスパゲッティ

Spaghetti with seafood mix in an anchovy-white wine sauce アンチョビと白ワイン風味のシーフードスパゲッティ by naotakem
A pasta made quickly and easily with frozen seafood mix (containing calamari rings, shrimp, and bay scallops - from Trader Joe's). Inspired by a dish that appeared (to state accurately, a recipe included in the souvenir brochure of the movie) in the French movie "Le Grand Bleu."


Defrost the seafood mix in cold water, replacing the water frequently. Drain well and set aside. Mince a few garlic cloves, then finely chop some parsley sprigs, and the prep is practically done. Have olive oil, a tablespoon or two of dry white wine, a couple of preserved anchovy filets, a couple of dried and whole red pepper, and some ground black pepper handy. Being organized and cooking quickly is key to this dish.


Bring water to a boil in a large pot and add a good amount of salt (if the anchovies are salty, use less). Add the spaghetti and cook until a state of doneness a bit short (a minute or two) of al dente. Better to taste the spaghetti than relying on a timer. While the pasta is cooking, heat some olive oil in a skillet or frying pan with some depth (to allow a good toss of pasta and sauce) on medium heat, and sauté the garlic and red pepper. Once you get a good aroma coming out of the pan, add the anchovy, stir a few seconds to break up, then add the seafood mix. Sauté for a few minutes (avoid overcooking!), add the white wine, season with black pepper, and reduce the heat to a simmer. The aim is to have the spaghetti ready to be drained at this point so adjust the timing accordingly.


Drain the spaghetti, add to the seafood sauce, remove the pan from the heat, toss well to mix and coat, and serve on a warm dish or bowl with a sprinkling of parsley. The spaghetti should be brought to al dente by tossing with the warm sauce so that the eater can enjoy the pasta under optimal conditions. Had this with a simple salad of mixed greens.


Monday, June 3, 2013

King Salmon roasted with vegetables in a miso sauce サーモンのちゃんちゃん焼き

King Salmon roasted with vegetables サーモンのちゃんちゃん焼き by naotakem


There are few "scalable" party dishes that can provide a good balance of protein and vegetables, but this salmon dish is one of them that I've made on many occasions to positive reception. Called chan-chan-yaki, ("yaki" means "to grill/roast" in Japanese, but the etymology of this dish is otherwise unclear) it's a specialty of the Hokkaido region of Japan, typically cooked by fishermen using local salmon (chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta) and locally available vegetables. The traditional method of cooking calls for an outdoor setting, cooking a whole salmon and mounds of vegetables on a large steel plate placed over an open fire to feed many, but this was made using a large skillet and oven at a friend's house for 6 adults and 5 small children - and replacing chum salmon with Alaskan King Salmon.

This is another "simple as it gets"dish - once you have the fish, vegetables, and the sauce ready, hardly any technique is involved. Purchased 1/2 of a whole filet of salmon (roughly 1/4 of the fish) with the skin on, ad seasoned well with salt and pepper. For the vegetables, we used cabbage, onions, green bell peppers, shimeji mushrooms, and green onions (other possibilities such as potatoes and sweet corn were considered, FYI) - all roughly (and unevenly, I confess) chopped. The sauce was a mix of white miso, sake, mirin, soy sauce, red pepper powder, chopped garlic, salt, and black pepper - as long as the sauce doesn't get too salty or sweet, any ratio is possible - mixed well to a smooth, liquid consistency.


The vegetables were cooked first in the skillet (well heated and with a dash of canola oil) - very briefly to coat with the oil but no need to cook through as the whole dish will be finished in the oven - then set aside to create an open space in the middle of the skillet (we temporarily transferred about 3/4 of the vegetables to a separate platter). The salmon was placed in that opening, skin down, then covered with the vegetables followed by the sauce. The whole skillet was then covered with cooking foil, and placed in an oven heated to 350F to cook for 30 minutes or so until the fish is cooked through. Once done, remove from the heat, break up the salmon and mix roughly with the vegetables (which should be nice and soft), and serve family style in the skillet. Can be enjoyed with some alcoholic beverages, or with some steamed white rice.

Farfalle in a bacon flavored tomato sauce with eggplant and asparagus ナスとアスパラガスのファルファーレ、ベーコン風味のトマトソース

Farfalle in a bacon flavored tomato sauce with eggplant and asparagus ナスとアスパラガスのファルファーレ、ベーコン風味のトマトソース by naotakem
A pasta dish made in an attempt to consume leftover vegetables (asparagus, eggplant) and stuff in the freezer (tomato sauce, bacon), while achieving some nutritional balance.


Started the sauce by cutting the frozen bacon into small pieces, and then cooked them on a skillet to render the fat. Sliced the eggplant and asparagus into bite sized pieces, and added them to the bacon and fat in the skillet with some finely chopped garlic, sautéd until tender, then mixed in the defrosted tomato sauce, seasoned with salt and pepper, and simmered to finish.


Cooked the farfalle (ribbon shaped pasta) in salted water a bit (a minute?) short of al dente, tossed well with the sauce, and served with a sprinkling of finely chopped parsley (this was from our planter). Nice way to eat some vegetables and still enjoy some pasta!


Salad of radish, spring onion, and asparagus with a garlic vinaigrette ラディッシュ、春タマネギ、アスパラガスのサラダ、ニンニク風味のヴィネグレット

Salad of radish, spring onion, and asparagus with a garlic vinaigrette by naotakem

Made this salad - a departure from the usual leafy vegetable based salads - using seasonal vegetable from the usual SF Civic Center farmer's market.


Started by immersing a finely chopped clove of garlic in white wine vinegar for about 15 minutes to make a base for the dressing. Then came the vegetables. The radish was sliced thinly, salted, and rested in a bowl for a few minutes - after discarding the water that accumulates, squeezed the radish to get rid of even more excess water. The asparagus was quickly blanched in salted boiling water, then cut into bite-size pieces. Spring onions were sliced thin, bathed in cold water to take the edge off the flavor, then drained well. The vegetables were then placed in a large bowl and tossed to mix.


Once the vegetables were prepped, the dressing was mixed - added a nice measure of good (and I say really good) extra virgin olive oil to the garlic-infused vinegar with a tiny dab of Dijon mustard and a dash of black pepper, mixed well to bond, then tossed gently yet thoroughly with the vegetables in the bowl to finish. A great combination of different textures and flavors, with the sting from the radish and onions kept under control.

Roasted monkfish with a quinoa pilaf アンコウのロースト、キヌアのピラフ添え

Roasted monkfish with a quinoa pilaf アンコウのロースト、キヌアのピラフ添え by naotakem

Found monkfish tails ("poor man's lobster") on sale so shared a whole tail between just the two of us. Brought the tail to room temperature to assure even cooking, cut in two equal sized portions, seasoned with salt and pepper, then pan-roasted in a skillet with just a little canola oil. Served with a quinoa pilaf  cooked in a vegetable broth and mixed with chopped scallions, a sprinkling of chopped parsley, and a wedge of lemon. Light but hearty.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Rosemary Roasted Chicken Legs with Kohlrabi, Yellow Carrots, Onions,and Garlic ローズマリー風味のチキンと野菜のロースト

骨付きの鶏肉をいろんな野菜の上に載せてオーブンでローストすると鶏肉には野菜の風味が、そして根菜には鶏の焼き汁の旨味が移って実に旨いものです。しかも手のこんだ事をしなくても良いので調理が楽(でも見栄えは良い)という利点もあります。これはFrench Laundryのトマス・ケラーのレシピに触発されて作ったものです。丸ごとの鶏で作るとより見栄えも味も良いのですが今回は時間と手間を省いて鶏のモモ肉で作りました。それでも十分美味。

Chicken roasted on a bed of various root vegetables is a great standby dish when you don't want to get elaborate but enjoy a tasty meal that looks good as well - the aroma from the vegetables permeate the chicken, and juices from the roasting chicken infuse the vegetables with a rich flavor - best of both worlds. This dish was inspired by a Thomas Keller recipe, but I used chicken thighs instead of roasting a whole chicken (which I think tastes and looks even better) to save on time and effort. Tasted good nonetheless.


The vegetables used this time were purchased at the farmer's market at the San Francisco Civic Center - organic and pesticide-free kohlrabi (tasted like a cross between broccoli and cabbage), yellow carrots, yellow onions, and garlic. The kohlrabi and carrots (leaves removed) were washed well, peeled, and chopped into fairly large pieces. Removed the skin and the root ends from both the onions and garlic, quartered the onions, but kept the garlic cloves whole. Put the lumpy mix of vegetables in a bowl, poured some canola oil and mix to coat, then seasoned with some good salt and freshly ground black pepper. Seasoned the chicken thighs with salt and pepper, took a few springs of rosemary from the garden, and done with the prep.


Started the cooking by browning the chicken thighs in a well heated ovenproof cast iron skillet (a deep baking dish would do, but a cast iron skillet is more visually appealing) with a dash of canola oil. No need to cook through the chicken as it will be finished in the oven with the vegetables - remove from the skillet once you have a nice brown color and set aside on a platter.


Add the vegetables to the same skillet (don't wash!), mix lightly to coat them with pan juices, place the browned chicken thighs on top with the rosemary, then place the skillet into an oven preheated to 375F and roast until the vegetables are cooked through (20-30 minutes) - the chicken should be also done at that point - and time to eat. The photo above shows lemon slices placed a few minutes before the roasting was done, but that's just an added step for aesthetic reasons. A one-dish solution for eating meat and vegetables. Also goes well with a light red wine such as Pinot Noir or Sangiovese.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Hakata style pork broth ramen with stir fried garlic chives and groundpork, scallions, and red pickled ginger ニラとネギの炒め物を載せた博多ラーメン




A Bay Area friend originally from Fukuoka, Japan gave us a box of Hakata style (Nagahama) ramen (known for the use of strong pork broth and thin, yet very firm noodles) containing semi-raw noodles and soup packs a while back. Instead of simply cooking it following the instructions on the box with the usual ramen toppings, we decided to have it with some seasonal vegetables.

In order to finish both the ramen and the vegetables at the same time, got a pot of tap water (for the noodles) and a kettle of filtered water (for the soup) boiling first. Once we had that going, sautéed some chopped ginger and ground pork until cooked, seasoned with salt and pepper, added chopped garlic chives (from the farmer's market), tossed with the pork briefly, then added some chopped scallions (also from the market) and sesame seeds, tossed again briefly, and removed from the heat. Idea was to avoid overcooking the vegetables so we could enjoy its full texture and flavor.

Once the stir-fry was done, we cooked the ramen noodles - only for a minute to achieve the state of doneness that people from Fukuoka refer to as "bari kata (very firm)" - while dissolving the soup mix with boiling filtered water from the kettle in a warm bowl. Drained the noodles at precisely 1 minute, tossed in a colander to remove any excess cooking water, added to the soup, served with the stir-fry on top with some picked ginger (colored red) for a dash of color. This is something meant to be eaten quickly - which is what we did.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Boudin Noir with Caramelized Apples and Sauerkraut ブーダン・ノワールとリンゴのカラメル、サワークラウト添え

これは材料の入手が少々難しいかもしれませんが、フレンチビストロで時々見かける一皿です(これまた再録ものです)。サニーベール市のファーマーズマーケットに出ていた精肉業者から買ったブーダン・ノワール(豚の血入りのソーセージ)をオーブンで焼き、黒砂糖とバター、ブランデーとクミンパウダーで表面がカラメル状になるまで炒め焼きにした薄切りのリンゴと、サワークラウト(これは 冷蔵庫に残っていた瓶詰め)を添えて頂きました。本当はソーセージが破裂しないように焼きたかったのですが…。かすかな獣臭さの残るブーダンと甘くコクのあるリンゴの組み合わせが絶妙な一皿でした。

This may be a slightly difficult dish to make because boudin noir (sausage with pork blood) is not easy to find, but when I found some sold at the Sunnyvale farmer's market, I took the opportunity to make this bistro dish (which I've read in an Anthony Bourdain cookbook). Prepared the apples by peeling then cutting into 1/16th pieces, then sautéed them in butter with some brown sugar, cumin powder, and brandy until caramelized. Served the apples with oven roasted boudin noir (wanted to keep the sausage intact, but this one exploded on me...), and some bottled sauerkraut I had left over in the fridge. A distinct yet flavorful combination of the slight gaminess of the boudin noir and the rich sweetness of the caramelized apples.

Cacio e Pepe カーチョ・エ・ペペ



Cacio e pepe ("Cheese and Pepper") is a simple yet fantastically tasty Roman pasta dish made with spaghetti, Parmigiano-Reggiano and Pecorino cheeses, lots of freshly ground black pepper, and some olive oil. This probably violates the Italian code of eating, but I like to have this after having lots of wine to cure that mild craving for food after drinks.

A very easy dish to make except for one thing - timing the cooking of the sauce and pasta - to avoid a burnt and/or over-gooey mess. Prep by grating the cheeses and grounding the pepper. Start cooking the spaghetti in boiling, well-salted water, then toast the ground black pepper in olive oil in a separate pan until fragrant but not burnt (remove from heat to avoid burning if necessary). Toss in the pasta with some pasta cooking water, add the cheeses, stir well, then adjust the sauce with pasta cooking water until you reach a creamy consistency. Quickly transfer to a warm dish or bowl, and dig in without wasting any time.

Roasted Pattypan Squash with Lemon and Parsley パティパン・スカッシュのロースト、レモンとパセリ風味

Another springtime vegetable dish - removed the stems from fresh pattypan squash (a cousin of zucchini with a cute shape), sliced them horizontally to show the shape, tossed them in good olive oil, spread them out on aluminum foil, seasoned with salt and pepper, then roasted in a 375F oven for 20~30 minutes until soft. Served with sliced lemon and chopped parsley.

First time having (or even cooking) this particular squash, but turned out to be delicious!



Thursday, May 2, 2013

Spaghetti with Spring Garlic, Roasted Fava Beans, Lemon Zest, Parmesan, and Herbs 春ニンニク、そら豆、レモン、パルメザンとハーブのパスタ

Another dish made with fresh spring vegetables from the farmer's market.

Prepped the beans by roasting a pound of fava beans in their shells with some salt, pepper, and olive oil in an oven for 30~40 minutes and shelled them while warm into a bowl (didn't remove the skin from the beans). While the beans were roasting, grated some lemon zest, halved the lemon for easy squeezing, grated some Parmesan, cleaned and chopped the spring garlic (the bulbs and the white/light green part of the leaves), chopped up some flat parsley and basil leaves, and set them aside. Wanted to have all the materials ready because I wanted to cook the spaghetti and sauce simultaneously.

To cook, brought a pot of water to a boil and salted it generously (enough to provide enough saltiness through the spaghetti), then added the spaghetti to cook.  While the spaghetti was cooking, sautéed the garlic in some butter until fragrant, added a dash of white wine, then the beans, mix, then added a ladleful of pasta water along with the lemon zest, and squeezed in the lemon juice. Into this mixture went in the spaghetti - slightly undercooked, a tad short of al dente (timing is critical) - followed by the Parmesan and a dash of olive oil, and tossed well. Served on a warm dish sprinkled with the chopped parsley and basil.

Great meal for a warm spring evening.






Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Two Leafy Vegetable Dishes 青野菜料理二つ


A couple of dishes using leafy greens to accompany a Japanese-style meal. First one is komatsuna greens blanched quickly and then mixed with shio kouji, a fermented mix of rice and salt with a lot of umami.

This is a Japanese-Western hybrid or fusion dish of sorts - young kale in a sesame sauce. Remove the thicker parts of the stem from fresh, young, springtime kale, blanch briefly, then toss with a sauce made of ground toasted sesame seeds, sake, sugar, and soy sauce (called "goma ae"). Sprinkle some unground sesame seeds before serving. Kale cooked this way takes an almost un-kale like flavor.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Roasted Duck and Spring Vegetables 鴨と春野菜のロースト

ファーマーズマーケットで季節の地元野菜を買い、 最低限の手間で料理するのは何ともカリフォルニア住まいの醍醐味(の一つ)だと思います。これはまず新タマネギに軽く塩を振ってグリルパンで焼き目をつけたもの。香ばさとタマネギの甘みが嬉しいです。

One of the great things (one of the many, anyway) about living in California - finding fresh, locally grown, seasonal vegetables at a farmer's market and cooking them in a minimalist fashion. Here's a couple of spring onions grilled with just a sprinkling of salt. Great mix of caramelized savory and sweetness of fresh onions.

Snap peas, sautéd lightly in olive oil with a dash of salt and pepper.

...and served the veggies above (with roasted beets - no photos) with pan roasted duck breast, again seasoned with just a pinch of salt and pepper, cooked to just a bit beyond rare. Paired with a nice Napa Zinfandel for a satisfying springtime dinner.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Striped Bass Roasted with Fennel, Side of Baby Potatoes ストライプドバスとフェンネルのロースト、ベビーポテト添え

Whole fresh fish roasted with some herbs and vegetables is a dish that is so simple, yet impressive to the eye and tasty - a great dish for parties. Not to say that it won't work for dinner at home for two - quite to the contrary, there's more to share and makes a very intimate dining experience.

Scaled, gutted, and cleaned a whole striped bass bought at the local farmer's market, seasoned the stomach cavity generously with salt and pepper, then stuffed it with fennel leaves (fronds), a few sprigs of rosemary, sliced lemon, and crushed garlic. Placed the fish on a bed of thinly sliced fennel bulbs in an ovenproof dish, seasoned again, then placed some more sliced lemon and fennel fronds and drizzled a good amount of olive oil and added a splash of dry white wine. Placed in an 375F oven and cooked until the flesh is flaky and the fennel is lightly caramelized. Garnished with some chopped parsley and basil, and served with baby potatoes tossed in canola oil with garlic cloves rosemary sprigs and baked in the same oven.

Wonderful aroma from the fennel and herbs permeates the fish - no "fishiness" here!


